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August 17, 2012

XiaoMi Phone 2 vs Apple iPhone 4S vs XiaoMi Phone 1S - Size And Design Comparison

XiaoMi Phone 2 vs Apple iPhone 4S

XiaoMi Phone 2 vs XiaoMi Phone 1S

XiaoMi Phone 2 vs XiaoMi Phone 1S

(GSM Insider) - Aside from the specs comparison between the XiaoMi Phone 2 and XiaoMi M1S that we reported earlier. We at here now to compare three smartphones - XiaoMi Phone 2 vs Apple iPhone 4S vs XiaoMi Phone 1S.

From the first image, we can clearly see that the size could be similar. But the design certainly different between both devices. As the XiaoMi Phone 2 has its own design compare to iPhone 4S.

As we moving on to image 2 and 3, the comparison is between XiaoMi Phone 2 (Mi2 / M2) and XiaoMi Phone 1S (MiOne S / M1S). From the image 2, we can clearly see the design of XiaoMi Phone 2 is different as the camera using round lens instead of the older square lens. However, from the front look. Both smartphones look quite similar. 

But folks. Dont worry! XiaoMi Phone 2 comes with very powerful specs compare to the XiaoMi Phone 1S. For the comparison between XiaoMi Phone 2 and iPhone 4S, both smartphones are different in design and style. What do you think which one has the better design?  [Source]

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